License Declaration
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Yearning is licensed under the AGPL license. (This does not include the Juno audit engine project)
The specific constraints and rights under this license are as follows:
Rights of the Licensee
The licensee has the right to use, copy, modify, merge, and distribute the software.
Obligations of the Licensee
Yearning may not be used for any commercial purposes without the author's permission. This includes providing any commercial services based on Yearning over the internet.
If you modify the code, you must indicate it in the modified files.
If you engage in secondary development and plan to publish it (internal use is not covered by this clause), the software must remain an open-source project and cannot be of any commercial nature. For commercialization, authorization from the original author is required.
All terms of this platform comply with the corresponding open-source license. Please adhere strictly to the relevant license for use and development.
Important Notes
The backend and frontend code of Yearning are based on AGPL 3.0 (the Juno audit engine project is not open and strictly prohibited for commercial use).
The open-source version includes net/rpc calls and can be executed and compiled.